
This pilot project stands for numerous other REFH, EFH and smaller MFH projects with a heat pump output of up to 30 kW.

Where geothermal probes cannot be drilled, there is no space for a seasonal ice store or an air/water heat pump is out of the question due to objections or a lack of efficiency, this system is just right:

PVT hybrid collectors, which not only supply the electricity but also provide the heat source for the heat pump all year round, a mini ice storage tank that can conveniently take the place of an oil tank and a modern propane heat pump form the elements of a new and innovative heating system.

18 PVT hybrid collectors, 1 mini ice storage tank (74kWh thermal storage capacity), 1 modulating heat pump of the latest generation with propane as refrigerant, hybrid inverter, battery and electric car (V2L) form the entire, almost energy-autonomous overall system.

Efficiency, economy and operational reliability with far-reaching autonomy are the result, which is something to be proud of!

Also ideal for renovations and heating system replacements: the entire system takes up no more space than the old oil tank!

SIMPLY GENIUS: We tested the capacity of the mini ice store and completely suspended solar regeneration. The expectation was that the ice store would be able to bridge approx. 3 days. It turned out to be 3 weeks! Thanks to the condensation (condensate provides 6.7 times more energy than icing and the same amount of energy comes from icing as if the water were cooled from 80° to 0°), the heat pump was able to draw enough energy from the ice store and the condensation to cover the entire hot water requirement as well as the moderate heating energy requirement (average outside temperature during this period 5-10° at night, 8-17° during the day) completely from the ice store. Side effect: The technical room and the neighbouring basement rooms were dried to below 65% humidity at 16-17° room temperature without the help of the dehumidifier.

Even the 42cm-thick blanket of snow on 21/22 November 24 and the long period of fog in December and into January 25 with continued heavy snowfall did not affect the system: The PVT collectors were able to generate a considerable amount of energy even under the snow cover in order to provide the heat pump with enough source energy together with the condensation and storage energy of the PVT Solar - Condensation Ice Storage+++ without ever having to use electricity. And this at a temperature level that was around or above the outside air temperature. The system also requires no energy for any defrosting processes and is therefore significantly more efficient and more favourable in terms of electricity consumption than an air/water heat pump.